Gone to Ground filming in London ..again.

Face-off in the night
Grindstone Films shooting Documentary in Virginia with Blue Apple Theatre
Phil Peel has been on tour in Virginia and Washington DC filming Blue Apple Theatre Company including Tommy Jessop, who starred in the BBC TV drama “Coming Down Mountain” which was nominated for a Television BAFTA for “Best Single Drama”
Blue Apple Theatre is an ambitious theatrical company that supports performers with learning disabilities to develop and present high quality productions for the widest possible audience – performing and touring theatre, dance and film …
Femme Fatale premieres at Awards Night of Bath Film Festival
Kulvinder Gill’s Femme Fatale winner of IMDB Script to Screen Award premiered at the prestigious Bath Film Festival closing night Awards Ceremony.
Gone to Ground script gets to top 30 in Screenwriting Goldmine Awards. Longlisted in BBC Writers Room.
Now in its ninth draft. Scheduled for August shoot.
Late Request – Award winning short film
Steve is critically injured, trapped upside-down in a wrecked car. Whilst paramedic Nicky calls in the Fire Brigade and battles to keep him conscious, Steve has something important on his mind.
Chasing Fame – Short 30 min version – Shown in Toronto July 2016 as work in progress
Best Actress Award – Toronto ReelHeART International Film Festival 2016
Mentorship Award for Director Phil Peel – Toronto ReelHeART International Film Festival 2016